We are out on the beautiful island of Kaua’i working on some new recordings. Had to show you the beauty of this place – the oldest island of Hawai’i and in the centre Mount Wai’ale’ale one of the wettest places in the world – hence every thing on the island is so lush and colourful.
Vast tracts of ocean, whether Polynesia, Micronesia or Melanesia, contain island populations that remain outside the modern world. They know about it, they may have traveled to it, they appreciate artifacts and medical help from it, but they live their daily lives much as hundreds of generations of ancestors before them, without money, electricity, phones, TV or manufactured food.
Whilst collecting Birthday emails, we overheard a conversation from some Samoan athletes who are here participating in the Pacific Mini-games, that there had been a large earthquake near Samoa and people had died. Read More
It just happened that one of the exponents of Cook Island drumming was doing a workshop that I was able to sit in on. Dr. Jon Tikivanotau Jonassen, a Rarotongan by birth, who has toured internationally with the famous Betela Dance Troupe. He has developed a unique way of notating the rhythms from the Cook Islands. It was wonderful to meet him and hear his perspective on drumming Pacific style. Below is an example of the unique Cook Island playing.
Check out more pictures/video …… Read More

Whilst wandering in the Cook Islands – I came across a local paper, advertising that one of the masters of Cook Island drumming (now based in Hawai’i) was going to be giving a lecture. Fortunately I was allowed to sit in on the workshop and got to know some of the attendees. One drummer, Mark was a government worker and he invited me to his local drum and dance group rehearsals.
He was a mine of information about the islands and how things were slowly changing due to the influx of more and more tourists. One such story explained the cultural mindset of his people. When tourism grew the governmental leaders of all the islands came together to discuss the possibilities of supplying Raratonga (the main tourist destination) with food from the outlying islands. Extra supplies were being flown in from New Zealand, Australia and America, which was putting all the prices up for the local people. If they could supply the needs in house, then prices could be kept at a reasonable price for the He joked that you could wake up each day, shoot a hog and just eat one leg and there would still be plenty for everyone. Apparently the islands were blessed with plenty of fruits, fish and wild boar. There was one proviso if this was to work, no island time, supplies had to be provided daily and on time! Well the leaders went back to their people and for a couple of weeks everything seemed to be going fine. However the third week everything slowed down and the fourth week it stopped all together. The leaders were called back for a meeting. When asked what was happening, one leader replied “We have one question – what are we going to do with all this extra money?” It had taken them just 4 weeks to realize that they had enough. They had everything they needed for a good life and didn’t need anything else.
It's staggering to realise the vastness of the area where we have come to. 15 small islands, yet situated in 2 million square miles of Pacific ocean - yes, can you believe it, an area about the size of western Europe.
The Northern group includes Manihiki, Rakahanga, Penrhyn, Puka puka, Nassau and Suwarrow. The Southern group includes Aitutaki, Mangaia, Atiu, Mauke, Mitiaro, Palmerston ( about 50 people live here, all Marsters, descended from William Marsters and his three Polynesian wives), Manua, Takutea and Raratonga. Here on Rarotonga we rode on bikes around the whole island .... it's only 32km!
The sound of their accapela music is absolutely beautiful and very unique. This is not a great recording but hopefully it will stimulate you to hunt for some original recordings in this style.
There have been two films (that reached the UK) that have given us a little insight into Maori culture in the last 20 years, “Once were warriors” and “Whale rider”. So it was fascinating to see the small rural community where whale rider was filmed. Check out some pictures of the area where it was filmed ….. Read More
There have been some significant changes for the Maori people since I was here 12 years ago. It was only 50 years ago that they were unable to speak their own language in schools without being reprimanded. Now they have their own Te Reo (Maori language TV channel), the use of their language is on the rise and there are Maori members of government. Sadly, many of New Zealand churches still hang on to imported styles of music (Australia, States, etc), unaware, it seems, of the treasures it has within its own borders. A few contemporary musicians and artists are mixing the languages and bringing traditional and modern expressions together. Check out CD’s by Whirimako Black (of 1 Giant Leap fame), Fat Freddys Drop, Te Waka, The Little Bushmen and the video above of Moana and the Tribe.
Want to learn more about the music of the Maori click here
Many people groups have a long history of oral tradition, learning and understanding is passed down through the generations. In New Zealand, the marae (a gathering place) has been the focal point for Maoridom for many centuries. Not just a place for people to meet but a family home to the generations that have gone before.
“We, the Maori, need our marae so that we may pray to God; rise tall in oratory; weep for our dead; house our guests; have our meetings, feasts, weddings and reunions; and sing and dance.” Hiwi and Pat Tauroa.
Gisborne, on the East coast of New Zealand; you may remember it was the world’s focus for the beginning of the new millennium, 2000. What you may not know …. the sunrise captured by TV crews and beamed all around the world was recorded the day before!!! On the big day, it was cloudy, broadcasting at its best or worst … your choice?
We have travelled south to Te Puke and staying in a small community with David and Mary Charrington (yes, related to the brewers in England). They are helping with the pastoral care of 400 Nievans. (people born of Vanuatu). This Pacific archipelago has around 86 separate islands with 104 different languages. The New Zealand government have in the last couple of years, set up a program to help the poorest families, by allowing them a 6 month work placement in Kiwi fruit orchards. (Incidentally there is one called Lindisfarne Orchard!) Read More