On Thursday 24th February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Five days later, this fanfare was composed by Torbjörn Hultmark, and the score sent to friends to use as they saw fit. Our good friend Chris Mitchell has added his creativity to the piece.
Incredible use of brass and modern dance beats – wow!
The Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela, which caused a sensation at the Proms in 2008, is the product of an extraordinary music education system that has been running for more than 30 years. Children as young as two get intensive music lessons designed to steer them away from the dangers of the street. Thanks Tim for sharing this clip.
Now that’s church Get your dancin’ shoes on!
A beautiful piece from the South Iceland chamber choir.
This video brings back wonderful memories of being with the Mandinka people in The Gambia. A beautiful people full of rhythm and dance. This song highlights this wonderful country. The kora is an instrument traditionally passed from father to son. Sona Jobarteh is one of the few to break that tradition.
Thank you Matthew for sharing this beautiful folk song from Georgia – only wish the donkey had sung too!
Honoured to be part of Canadian singer Buffy MacNeil’s recording project – Voices of the Silenced of Residential Schools. This video “Somebody Pray” is part of the project that began to unfold in January 2021 when Buffy MacNeil envisioned the ways she could support the health and well-being of Indigenous youth. She hopes to release an album which will support the creation of a youth care and advocacy centre in the community of the Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation.
Thanks Ruthy for finding this blessing dance and song from Alaska and Yukon.
Just finished recording and video editing for the Northumbria Community. 80 people from around the world contributed voices, photographs, prayers, translations, art, film clips, & dance – managed 7 different languages on this one. Read More