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God save me from a bad neighbour and a beginner on the fiddle.

Italian proverb

Traditional Instruments from Tanzania – Donondo

By Africa, Strings, TanzaniaNo Comments

Sing to the Well is a CD recorded in a rural community in Tanzania. During our time recording we spoke with many of the older people in the village showing them pictures from an old book I had discovered on traditional Gogo instruments. One old lady knew where someone played this strange instrument called the Donondo … so of we went searching …. 2 hours later surrounded by a maze field we found this man.

Rwanda – Inanga

By Africa, StringsNo Comments

On my travels in 2000 I picked up this instrument called an Inanga. To be quite honest I call  it a “canoe with strings” …. but really it is a lyre like instrument known as a trough zither.

Interested in more traditional Rwandese music? Then check out Cecile Kayirebwa’s album called Rwanda.