Thanks Ruthy for finding this blessing dance and song from Alaska and Yukon.
Just finished recording and video editing for the Northumbria Community. 80 people from around the world contributed voices, photographs, prayers, translations, art, film clips, & dance – managed 7 different languages on this one. Read More
Rowan Atkinson interviews Elton John – hilarious!
Stan Walker is a wonderful singer from New Zealand who won Australian Idol in 2009.
Wonderful new song from New Zealand by Dale and David Garratt – written to bless the people of Ōtautahi (Christchurch).
If you missed it – here are the clips from Percussion for Peace. The first video (8mins) is from Tanzania, the amazing Gogo Drummers, celebrating during our last visit. Then a solo piece (5 mins) from my new studio in Wales and lastly from Cambodia, the CCAMS drummers, (8 mins) shot during one of their practises.
Great story of an artist who is drawing every single item in his grandfather’s shed to honour his memory.
The wonderful sound of Ethiopian gospel music.
A powerful coming together of people’s in song! 3000 from different backgrounds, singing in 3 languages – come together in Haifa to sing of a hope for the future.
Lyrics – Sometimes I lay under the moon, And thank God I’m breathing, Then I pray, Don’t take me soon, ‘Cause I am here for a reason, Sometimes in my tears I drown, But I never let it get me down, So when negativity surrounds, I know some day it’ll all turn around because ….
A CD & DVD package
from Cambodia
Garlands for Ashes tells the story of a community of children in Phnom Penh rescued from unimaginable situations, who are nurtured back to life, given a home, hope and an artistic voice. Recorded in Phnom Penh and the Mekong delta in Cambodia this package of CD and DVD will take you to the very heart of the Cambodian Christian Arts school so that you can experience in video and pictures, sounds, songs and dances, the Khmer people of Cambodia. This blog tells the unfolding story of our partnership with this amazing community. Read More