Since 2003 Rebekah and I (under our charity ‘Voices from the Nations’) have been partnering with the Gogo tribe in central Tanzania. Recording their music has enabled the village to fund water projects and build a medical dispensary. During this process our dear friend and translator, Pastor Seth Gidiony (from the Ha tribe) has been our contact, constant help on the ground and guide through cultural differences. His wife Anastina (who is a medical support nurse) has had a number of health issues over the years and has recently found out she has a tumour in the stomach, and needs an immediate operation. She is also experiencing severe mental and emotional distress.This amazing couple live a very humble, simple life supporting a huge number of people in their community most days. Their home is a constant refuge to so many people. We wanted their story to be heard and we hope that the Voices from the Nations community can get behind this family in a country where medical costs are unreachable to most people.