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IMG_1660Rebekah’s family have always been interested in natural remedies. Through some research on the internet we have come in contact with a company called Anamed whose focus is on encouraging the natural resources that each country has in their land. Western drugs, when they can be obtained are very expensive, so we have been asking the question of what natural resources are available within central Tanzania. We took out a book in Swahili of plants and remedies and a poster with pictures. This poster was very helpful and they were like bees around a honey pot,  as they knew all plants and had memories of them being used in past. These old techniques had been lost often because westerners had told them not to use them and BUY drugs instead (which they can’t afford). The Chairman and everyone were VERY excited when they saw pictures on the Baobab tree The Chairman said “we have a saying that whenever you open your eyes youcan see a Baobab tree”. The Amamed book says ” It thrives in a dry environment and can live for 2000 years. The tree contains substances effective against heart disease, diarrhoea, asthma, fever and high blood pressure.” It can be used also to treat malnutrition – if the villagers had not forgotten this knowledge, the last 8 years would have seen many lives saved.

So there is a possibility of them learning from Anamed as they run course’s in Tanzania teaching planting, treatment, making medicines and supplying  reference books based on research. The Chairman has asked if it would be possible to send some of the villagers on this course. The “Sing to the Well” CD and DVD project has funds to help them in this area.

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