Nestling amongst the surrounding hills in the north and the South China sea in the East, South and West is the city of Hong Kong. It is quite an amazing sight arriving into the airport …. I have never seen so many skyscrapers in all my life …. home to some 7 million people.
Interestingly there were strict health checks as we entered into Hong Kong due to the swine flu virus, temperatures taken and anyone with a high temperature was automatically quarantined for a week. I did laugh when I was given a conference pack with a face mask! Sadly the leader of the event, who had flown in from Japan, was found to have a suspect temperature and was whisked away, he missed the whole event …. Very bizarre!
Why was I there ………… An invitation to join 32 different nationalities (a representation from every continent) in Hong Kong with an organisation called DNA. This statement is taken from their web site, “Yet we live in a time of tragic paradox. Never have there been more churches, yet more brokenness, poverty, and despair. All too often, local churches are disengaged from culture, and thus, irrelevant to the needs of their communities and nations“.