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Harrisburg, PA. (Feb)

After a very mild winter here in England it was a bit of a shock to fly into the state of Pennsylvania which had been hit with up to 9ft snow drifts!! It was great to be back with friends in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and hear their stories.

19 Amish in PA

Last year I had met a family from the Amish community and this year again we spent some more time together. Theirs is quite a story …. a couple of years ago one of their family members was dramatically healed by God, which took them on a new journey, and other family members were also miraculously healed. The general understanding amongst the Amish is that God does not heal today and these family’s have come in conflict with the community’s teachings and have been ex-communicated. They have decided though, to stay as part of the Amish community even though being ostracised, praying that God would make a way for reconciliation.

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